हम्रो सेवाहरु

राज मोवाईल सेन्टर - यहाँ विभिन्न किसिमका मोवाईल पाईनुका साथै मर्मत पनि गरिन्छ साथै नोकिया सामसुङ सोनिइरेक्सन चाइनिज कार्वन माइक्र्रोम्याक्स मोबाईलहरुमा सफ्टवेयर ग्यारेन्टीको साथ राखिन्छ साथै मोवाईल साटफेर पनि गरिन्छ । Phone No.010521109,9841129206 सम्पर्कको लागि राज मोवाईल सेन्टर सुगमटोल धादिङ्ग वेसी धादिङ्ग

Label 10

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

नोकिया मोबाईल का केहि महत्वपूर्ण कोडहरु

१ *#06# – Shows your International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number.

२ *#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:

३ *#2820# – Shows BlueTooth Address for cell phones with Bluetooth.

४ *#7780# – Normal reset, restore your cell phone to factory settings.

५ *#7370# – Deep reset, restore cell phone to factory settings and format all user data.

६ *#0000# – Shows your cell phone’s firmware version.

७ *3370# – Activates Enhanced Full Rate codec (EFR) (your cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5%).

८ #3370# – Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate codec (EFR).

९ *4720# – Activate Half Rate codec (your cell phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx. 30% more talk time).

१० #4720# – Deactivate the Half Rate codes


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