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Label 10

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nepal Telecom to bring in LTE with Huawei.

Nepal Telecom and Huawei have signed a contract for 4.8 Million GSM lines including 3G+ (LTE) data services which is worth about 7 billion Nepali Rupees. Nepal Telecom's MD Amar Nath Singh and Huawei's Commercial Manager Liyan Chi Chang have inked the deal. It's been more than six months when Nepal Telecom had floated a global tender for 10 Million GSM lines which was separated in 4.8 M and 5.2 M lines, of which ZTE and Huawei were selected for further discussions. NT had months of discussion with the vendor after passing hurdles from Finance Committee in CA, and CIAA (Commission for the Inviestigation of Abuse of Authority). 

With this, Nepal Telecom will be swapping the existing ZTE system in Central Development Region (Kathmandu) and Western Development Region(WDR) with the Huawei System, having more no of lines and additional high speed internet services of 3G and 3G+ LTE Service (45 % 2G GSM lines and 55% 3G and 3G+ LTE lines). Though various operators in foreign countries call LTE service as 4G just for marketing purpose, we will have to wait and see what will they call for the fast LTE service in Nepal. Nepal Telecom is confident of the new project to cater the cost effective and quality service demand in the market.

NT is also going to sign a contract with ZTE for the 5.2 Million lines, the leftover of 10 M Project. "Soon we are going to discuss with ZTE to do a pact for the remaining 5.2 million lines" says Nepal Telecom's MD Amar Nath Singh.


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